Power Mac G5 'Comes Home' to Taiwan

Considering Apple's G5 motherboards are manufactured in Taiwan, it's a round trip to get them there. And Apple's new 64-bit desktop has just been launched in the Republic of China, eTaiwan News reports.

"We did various tests and the results proved that the G5 is the fastest PC in the world," said Tony Li, director of Apple Product Marketing in the Asia-Pacific, who is quoted in the article.

One tidbit Li adds is the use of several small fans within the G5. A single, powerful fan would have been too noisy, so Apple opted for small, quiet-running cooling fans.

In Taiwan, the price-leading 1.6GHz G5 kicks off at $NT73,900, while the big iron DP 2GHz Power Mac sells for $NT111,900.

Li added that the G5s would ship to Taiwan shortly.

Analysis: Given some of the delays, it'll be interesting to see which territories outside North America get the G5s in quantity first: France/Europe has delays; Australia's expecting quantities by the end of this month, while Japanese systems will be delayed about a month, Apple said recently. Did they underestimate the demand? Again?