Maine boosting iBook program

Maine Today reports that Maine Education Commissioner Susan Gendron aims to convince state lawmakers to jump-start an expansion of the state´s iBook computer program in the state´s 160 high schools and vocational schools. The plan doesn't call for new spending this year, but would pre-install wireless networking in schools in preparation for placing Apple portables in the hands of high and vocational students and teachers statewide.

According to the report, state officials are already in talks with Apple regarding the hoped for expansion of the program. The per-student/year cost is estimated at $300, which includes insurance, wireless networks, support and professional development (ie teacher training).

Editor's note: Apple's education successes are well known, but the company's portable sales to education only account for about one-third of the total. So, the question before the assembled today is "Where are the PC portable success stories?" Heard of any?