[OpEd] Who invited them?

Until relatively recently, one of the nicest aspects of being a Mac user or, for that matter, pundit was the relative solitude. It was oh so singularly satisfying to be this right.

Well, the "oneness" is gone, 'cause we've got neighbors and by god are they loud.

360-odd days later

Last year at this time, a Google news search for Macworld San Francisco-related news yielded a couple pages of official spin and press releases from attendees. However, this year the same search yields 10 bloody pages of commentary, analysis, spinning of the spin and, of course, some of the usual fluff.

Where did these people come from? And, if they must hang about constantly, and it seems they must, can't they at least refrain from using the "F" word (fanatics)?

Honestly, if these so-called analysts and investors are going to profit from the steadfast vision we have shown over the decades, the least they can do is show a little respect.

What's your take?