Pepsi iTunes promo announced

Apple has posted a placeholder page on its website announcing that the "Drink. Win. Play" Pepsi iTunes Music Promotion. Pepsi has also posted marketing.

This is the very same promotion IGM noted yesterday and it takes this basic shape:

200-million songs to be given away
One-in-three specially marked 20-oz and 1-liter bottles is a winner (ie a "free" song)
Up to 1,700 iPod minis will be given away
Promotion runs from Jan 31 through April 11
Participants can claim prizes through May 23

As noted yesterday, Apple and Pepsi seem to have learned a few things since last year. Specifically, the level of hype is much reduced.

However, it remains to be seen if Pepsi and its many, many independent distributors can deliver marked product, which was a major problem last time around.