MWNY: Jaguar To Ship August 24 for $129

"Less than a dollar for each major feature," quipped Steve Jobs when announcing Jaguar's (OS X 10.2) ship date. The early shipping of the upgrade had been widely touted on IGM and elsewhere.

Purchasers of Macs between July 17 and August 24 can get a copy of Jaguar for $19.99 via the Up-to-Date program.

Jobs demonstrated some of Jaguar's new features, including the new Mail app, featuring advanced 'Junk Mail' spam filtering; Sherlock searching integrated into the Finder with new channels; completely rewritten and revampled Address Book; Inkwell handwriting recognition technology; BlueTooth connectivity with cell phones; and QuickTime 6's integration into Jaguar.

A new iApp is iCal, which offers single-click web publishing of personal calendars. It is also another .Mac service for paid-up members. Search and automatic updates to personal and shared calendars are supported. It will be a free download in September.

Jobs and Schiller also did technology previews of Rendezvous, Apple's sophisticated Airport and networking technology. The demo included iTunes and iChat instant messaging.