OS X 10.5.2 to leverage new compilers

HardMac brings welcome news for owners of x86-based Macs--OS X 10.5.2 will offer optimization from Intel's just refreshed compilers and libraries.

Apple is actively working on Leopard to benefit as much as possible from the recently released Intel Mac OS X compiler and libraries, including SSE4 support. Mac OS X 10.5.2 should be released for the keynote and fully takes advantages of the last Intel compiler and libraries.

Hard Mac also has dirt to dish on the upcoming Mac Pro:

Mac Pro will likely debut Jan 15
8-core Xeon Penryn
3.2GHz cores
Likely feature nVidia's Quadro FX card

The write up states that Penryn-based iMacs and MacBook Pros aren't likely given the recent refresh.

Hard Mac doesn't name sources and offer much in the way of detail, so a large grain of salt is advised.

It's rumored that Intel will release Penryn on Jan 6 ahead of CES and MWSF.

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