Adobe pulls Lightroom, RAW updates

As a product manager, there are few things that kill your life--family, SO, sleep, etc--faster or more thoroughly than shipping bugs on a Friday. Wherever you are when the bad news comes in--home, beach, in-laws, 96-hour rave--becomes a crisis center.

Thereupon, I doubt the guys and gals at Adobe responsible for the Lightroom and Camera RAW product lines had much fun this weekend--they shipped crap on Friday.

A post on Adobe's Lightroom Journal blog details how to remove the Lightroom 1.4 and Camera RAW updates.

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As you might expect, comments on this post left by users aren't exactly filled with love and light for Adobe.

Here's a good example:

You have no idea how much pain this caused over the weekend. I can only hope that the QA folk have learned some important lessons about regression testing so we don't see this kind of thing repeated.

Were not for the ongoing public pissing match between Apple and Adobe over Flash / .pdf on the iPhone, I might have a little sympathy...

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