10m 3G iPhones ordered?!?

Quoting Gartner analyst Ken Dulaney, iPod Observer reports that Apple may have ordered a second round of 10 million iPhones based on the 3G network, based that on rumors the punter's become aware of in Asia.

This 3G iPhone order (grain o' salt) comes in addition to the 10-million first-gen handsets Apple has committed to selling this year, says Delaney.

Further, he speculates that the 3G iPhone will come equipped with low-cost, super-thin OLED displays, which will help extend battery life and could lead to a smaller form factor.

Editor's note: Although the iPhone is a force of nature and has irrevocably changed the mobile business, it's widely believed that 3G version, expected this Summer, will attract tens-of-millions of new buyers because its better speed and reliability, particularly in handset-obsessed Europe...

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