Pwnage PWN'd?
March 30th 2008
The iPhone Dev Team has posted an announcement stating the "PwnageTool," which gives a user access to full iPhone 2.0 (beta) functionality and the ability to install any iPhone application, has been delayed.
Legal enquiries were made to the DevTeam about the validity and legality of the contents of the tools, we would like to stress that no third-party copyrighted software will ever be released by the DevTeam.
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And, their announcement goes on to say state the following:
• Pwnage Tool Application will be released sometime in the next week for Mac OS X 10.4.x, 10.5.x and Windows
• The tool contains revised logos and icons
• PwnageTool does NOT ship with any Apple licensed software, Intellectual Property, trademarks, logos or images
• As my Mother would say "If you are going to be late, arrive with flowers"
There's no mention of the nature of the enquiries or who made made.
Editor's note: Doth they protest too much (ie no Apple code, etc)? Your denial flows like a river, boys.
Apple legal on the job? Sure sounds like it.
So, for at least the time being, Pwnage is PWN'd.
If that's not irony...
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