5.649m 3G iPhones made so far?
September 1st 2008
Fortune reports that Apple may have already made (and sold?) its 8-millionth iPhone this year. Thereupon, it's believed that the mothership has manufactured at least 5.649-million 3G iPhones this year.
However, as IGM reported Thursday last, the lads at TechCrunch have already predicted and / or guestimated that Apple had or soon will have sold its 6-millionth 3G iPhone, a number roughly equal to the first-gen model's entire volume.
Why the difference of a few days and a few hundred thousand units? Well, TechCrunch hasn't divulged its methods, but MacObserver (the source of Fortune's info) has. [Continue reading]
It seems some enterprising Apple watchers operating on MacObserver's forums have been collecting IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) numbers from any iPhone buyer willing to provide them. Thereupon, a certain "BillH" ponied up a number on Saturday from his iPhone that they believe indicates that Apple's manufactured at least 5.649-million 3G handsets.
Is TechCrunch using a similar methodology? They don't say where they're getting their info, but it doesn't seem like to great a leap of faith to believe they are.
Whether MacObserver or TechCrunch is closer to the actual number of 3G iPhones in circulation isn't particularly important. That both numbers are within a few days' output of each other means that both estimates are close enough to the truth to say Apple's won't have any trouble selling 10-million iPhones this year...
What's your take?