Latest rumor suggest iPhone 7 to come with headphone dongle

MacRumors on a photo of an apparent packing sheet for the iPhone 7.

The photo in question appears to be of Hong Kong origin, and claims to show the inclusion of Lightning-equipped wired EarPods and a Lightning to 3.5mm headphone jack adapter in the box.

Those details square with the widely held belief that Apple's upcoming iPhone 7 and 7 Plus won't have a headphone jack, and will instead rely on an all-in-one Lightning port for charging, listening, and connectivity.

Apple's various adapters are numerous and expensive. Including at least one adapter is a good move. Most people will likely buy extras anyway, but at least there's one adapter to help customers with losing the headphone jack.

For headphones, the same packing sheet indicate Apple will ship EarPods with a lightning connector. So no bundled wireless headphones.