Pastebot clipboard manager coming to Mac

The makers of the popular Twitter client Tweetbot announced a macOS version of its now defunct iOS app Pastebot.

We have been wanting to do a full blown Pastebot for Mac long before we first released it on the iPhone. Paul wrote a fantastic little utility app called PTH Pasteboard Pro on the Mac which I had always wanted to rewrite as a Tapbots app, but we were just too busy with iOS. After the release of Tweetbot 2 for Mac, it only made sense to have Todd start on Pastebot for his next big project. So we are very excited to release Pastebot for a public beta.

The software is available now as a beta app and will later be fully functional some time after macOS Sierra launches. The beta won't sync with Macs because of limitations with the current macOS. Once macOS Sierra is released, the develop plans to make the software available on the App Store, which will allow for syncing.

Tapbots also said that if the software proves successful, they may consider bringing back the iOS version.