iCook: Overclock your G3 iBook

Pat Swieskowski has created a kernel extension plus tutorial -- in a word, a "hack" -- on how to overclock the IBM 750FX (G3) processor that powers Apple's last-gen iBooks. As the owner of a 900MHz G3 iBook, the existence of this tool intrigued me to say the least.

However, aside from the installer that patches the kernel (X.3 required), this hack comes to market without any sort of user interface. In fact, operations to load the .kext file and "overclock" the processor are performed from the command line in Terminal (scroll down).

Start and stop driving

Like others to have tried iCook, a boost of 50MHz was easy and a 100MHz tune up caused my iBook to lock up. However, a forced restart brought "old reliable" back to reality without any apparent harm.

Your mileage may vary, but this is a fun and easy hack. If you've got a 750FX G3 iBook and are feeling your oats, give it a shot and post your results below...

Editor's note: As with any hack, there are no guaranties whatsoever. The words caveat emptor definitely apply. Proceed, or not, accordingly.